Helping students succeed in academics and in life since 1977.

Our time-tested study skills system has been taught to thousands of students, parents and teachers.

Studying is something all students are expected to do, but seldom are they afforded the opportunity to learn how to perform this important task. Students try harder but with few results, once again proving that zeal without knowledge is not good.

The Victus Study Skills System is unique in that it has been developed by professional educators who have seen firsthand what students of all ages need to know in order to be effective in their study. The Latin word victus means a way of life. The Victus Study Skills System is based on the premise that effective study is best when it is a system of study and when it becomes a way of life.

For Homeschoolers

For Schools

About Victus

“We were thrilled with the results of the Study Skills System. I didn’t realize that my daughter had never been taught how to study or how to use that knowledge to study smarter rather than harder. A great investment in your child’s educational journey!”

—Cathy Armstrong, Parent

"Students tend to do what they’ve always done and get what they’ve always gotten. Victus helps change that. Every student ought to take this class."

—Kathy Boyd, Middle School Teacher

“It’s really great to have these study skills… when your studying you won’t struggle because you’ll know what skills to use when you need help. Notes are so much easier to take now. The teacher was fun and made the lesson exciting even though we were all tired.”
