Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions:
Why is it important to teach study skills?
Although every student must study, few students are taught how to perform the important task of studying. In a study by Kornell and Bjork in 2007, their survey of college students found that only 20 percent of the students studied the way they did because a teacher had taught them how to study.
Research shows:
- Students who take a study skills course are six times more likely to stay in college (Tuckman and Kennedy, Ohio State University, 2011)
- Students are seven times more engaged when they see learning as relevant to their lives
- Students who struggled in high school but took a study skills class their freshman year were 45 percent more likely to graduate from college (Ohio State University, 2009)
- Students who were considered average students in high school were 600 percent more likely to graduate from college after taking a study skills course (Ohio State University, 2009)
Most students develop their own process for studying, but this approach is often ineffective. For example, they may think the more they re-read subject material, the better they will understand it, but this is not always true.
The Bible tells us that zeal without knowledge is not good. Students try to do better without knowing how to do better, and this can lead to frustration and anxiety. The Victus Study Skills System teaches students how to study, improving their confidence and their retention of knowledge. It is most helpful to start students off with a system of study when they first begin school, building on the skills year after year. Just like we begin teaching math to a kindergartner, we also begin teaching study skills at a young age and continue building them each year.
How is Victus different from other study skills courses?
- Victus is a system of study, not just a list of skills, and it becomes a way of life
- Victus teaches life skills and concepts to use in every area of life, not just academics
- Our system teaches traditional study skills in the context of three Foundational Cornerstones: where am I now, where do I want to be, and how do I get there? Students learn skills such as time management, goal setting, and how to use calendars and planners, and they learn how to connect these skills to their personal mission statement and priorities. Students are more motivated to study when they understand their life’s purpose.
- Our course is flexible for different schedules and needs. It can be taught in 5 hours or in a semester-long option.
The Latin word Victus means “way of life” and the Victus Study Skills course teaches students skills that will help them succeed in school and in life. Victus is a system of study with component parts that are easy to remember and use. The component parts of the Victus system work together to help students organize their priorities and accomplish their life’s purpose.
Victus teaches students to apply three Foundational Cornerstones to their lives: understand where you are now, know where you want to be, and implement a plan to get there. (See the Table of Contents for more information). Students tap into their deeper motivation for learning when they identify what their mission is, and the Victus Study Skills System walks them through that process. They will be more engaged in learning when they realize that having a system of study will help them accomplish their mission and succeed in academics and in life.
Research shows that students are seven times more likely to be engaged in instruction when teachers help students “see the curriculum as critical to their current lives, their future and their culture.” Victus helps students make this connection.
What do you mean by the concept that Victus is a system of study, and why is that important?
- Victus is a system with parts that all work together for a purpose
A system can be defined as component parts working together to accomplish an aim. A car has parts that work together to move a person from one place to another. As professional educators, we have learned that students are more likely to remember things that make sense to them. The Victus Study Skills System makes sense to them because its component parts have an aim and purpose.
The Course:
What is included in the course?
- Choosing and living out priorities
- Time management and goal setting
- Using a planner with a calendar to organize
The course teaches traditional study skills such as note taking, test taking, and reading for information, as well as the essentials of motivation, time management, goal setting, and keeping a calendar. Underlying these skills is writing a mission statement, identifying priorities, and writing action plans that help students take action to reach their goals.
The course is built on the three Foundational Cornerstones. In the Where Are We Now section, students complete self-assessments of their current study habits and learning styles.
In the Where Do You Want to Be section, students create a mission statement and identify goals and priorities.
In the How Do I Get There section, students determine how to achieve their goals by way of time management, organization, and more effective reading, note-taking and test-taking strategies.
Can I see a copy of the Table of Contents?
You can download the Table of Contents from the Student Workbook or download our ePacket of sample pages.
Teaching and Materials:
What are the teaching options for Level 3?
- Teacher-Led Option (Teacher Edition + Student Workbook)
- Student-Led (DIY) Option (DIY Workbook + Video Course)
Teacher-Led: The Core Teacher Edition with the Student Workbook
If you choose the teacher-led option, you will need one Teacher Edition and one Student Workbook for each student. The PowerPoint for this level is included with the Student Workbook and is very helpful, especially when teaching more than one student.
Student-Led: Student DIY Workbook and Classroom Video
If you choose the student-led option, each student will need a copy of the Student DIY Workbook. The video accompanies the Student DIY Workbook lesson by lesson. (The video is not essential, but it is helpful.)
Although page numbers are not the same, the lessons are. It is a great way to teach independent learners because students can go through the course on their own. Teachers on the video do the teaching, you do the reinforcing!
What if I have questions about the lessons?
We are always happy to help — email us anytime!
How do I reinforce Victus once it is taught?
- Use the free 60-Day PDF guide and Parent & Teacher PDFs.
Educators can easily reinforce each skill in each subject taught, and it is important to begin using each skill as soon as it is taught. The curve of forgetting tells us the greatest memory loss is within the first 24 hours of any new skill being introduced, so reinforcement is key to remembering! It has been said, “Repetition is the mother of skill.”
In groups, it is helpful to introduce the concepts to all teachers, students and parents so that the skills can be reinforced in all arenas of academics and life. We have free Parent & Teacher PDFs which can be sent upon request to help with reinforcement. Ideally, students begin the Victus Study Skills System when they begin school so that these skills become habits.
Students learn these skills in a developmental way, much like math or reading, in which the basic concepts are taught first. Then students do not have to unlearn bad habits, but instead they develop good habits that will help them succeed in academics and in life.
How long does it take to teach Victus?
- Just 5 hours
- It can be taught over a semester
The course is only five total hours of instruction that can be broken down into shorter segments. Schools that want a semester or year-long course can easily extend it by using the supplemental materials at the back of the workbooks and by teaching only portions of each lesson during each class and then reinforcing the skills. We also have a free 60-Day PDF to help with lesson plans for a semester.
Can I teach more than one student at a time?
Options available for:
- Groups
- One-on-one instruction
- DIY student-led option
Absolutely! For primary and elementary students, all you need is the Teacher Edition, Teacher Supplement and a Student Workbook for each student. For middle/junior/high school, all you need is one Teacher Edition and a Student Workbook for each student.
If you choose the DIY approach, each student will need a Student DIY Workbook. The Classroom Video is the best supplement for groups using the DIY Workbooks.
For college-bound students and college students, you will need a Student Workbook for each student, a Teacher Edition, and the Teacher Letter outlining how to teach the class. (Teacher Letter included in Level 4 Student Workbook.)
If you have a fairly large group, it’s best to also use the PowerPoint (included with purchase of the Teacher Edition).
What do I need to purchase?
Level 1 – Primary Students:
Student Workbook – Primary Grades
Teacher Supplement – Primary Grades
Teacher Edition
Level 2 – Elementary Students:
Student Workbook – Elementary
Teacher Supplement – Elementary Grades
Teacher Edition (PowerPoint included)
Level 3 – Junior High and High School Students:
Teacher-Led: Teacher Edition, Student Workbook (PowerPoint included)
Student-Led: The Student DIY Workbook (optional – use with Classroom Video)
Level 4 – College-Bound/College Students:
Student-Led: College Student Workbook (Teacher Letter included)
Teacher-Led: College Student Workbook, Teacher Edition (Teacher Letter included)
What is the Student Workbook?
- The workbook is coordinated with the Teacher Edition
- The materials and activities in the workbook guide students during and after class
- Students can use their workbooks as a guide and reference to help them stay on track
You will need a Student Workbook for each student when the course is led by a teacher. In addition, you will need a Teacher Edition and Teacher Supplement for Levels 1 and 2 to help guide you in teaching the lessons.
What is the Teacher Edition?
- The Teacher Edition provides the course philosophy, a course overview, and lesson plans
- Student-view pages are included to help teachers visualize what students are seeing in their workbooks
The Teacher Edition gives you all you need to teach the course, including specific lesson plans and procedures. It explains the philosophy of the course which is essential to helping both teachers and students understand the lifelong concepts on which the course is based.
What is the Teacher Supplement?
- The Primary and Elementary Teacher Supplements combine with the Teacher Edition to help teachers adapt the lessons for younger students
- Necessary for Level 1- Primary and Level 2- Elementary
The Teacher Supplements lead teachers through the 10 lessons. They equip teachers to instruct younger students in the principles of the course. The discussion questions and activities are relatable for younger children.
What is the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Workbook?
- A student-led option
- May be used with individuals or in groups
- May be combined with the Classroom Video
The DIY Workbook is a Level 3 workbook that individuals or groups of students complete independently. It can be used with or without the Classroom Video. It is very important that the teacher ask the students clarifying questions to be certain they understand the tasks in the workbook.
What is the Classroom Video?
- A recorded class in which teachers are teaching Victus to students
- May accompany the DIY Workbook
- A training tool for teachers with students in Level 3 (junior high and high school)
What is the Creating and Implementing a Personal Strategic Plan booklet?
- Guides adults in developing a personal strategic plan
This booklet provides a simple process for you to develop your own personal plan. Author Susan Ison has taught this process to hundreds of individuals and encourages you to try it! If you understand the process yourself, then it will help you to better teach your children.
To what ages and grade level is Victus taught?
- The Victus program is for all ages
- Each level was developed to teach age-appropriate skills
Victus teaches skills and a mindset that are relatable for each age group, and these skills build on each other as the students mature. It is much like developing reading skills that are introduced in an age-appropriate way, and then built on and reinforced year after year. Students are never too young or too old to learn more effective habits!
Primary students learn basic terms, and elementary students learn to apply the concepts and terms. In middle school, students build on these basic terms and begin to learn and apply new study and life skills. The high school student is establishing these skills as habits in all areas of life.
Finally, the college-bound and college age student knows the basics and has established good habits. This student understands that time management, organization, and living according to one’s purpose are essential components of their lives. These skills have become a way of life, helping them succeed in all areas.
What are some general recommendations for teaching the course?
- Some students prefer a group setting, while others thrive in the DIY setting
- Use the Classroom Video as a resource
Level 3 students who enjoy group interaction will benefit more from the teacher-led approach. The Teacher Edition and a Student Workbook for each student are necessary in this setting.
The Classroom Video is an excellent resource for students taking the DIY course as well as for teachers teaching the course.
How does this course help students in school?
Most of us develop our own study habits, and they may or may not be effective. Victus helps students become more confident as they see that the processes they learn in our course are more effective than previous hit-or-miss methods. They see results: their learning increases and their grades improve. Research says new habits can be formed in 21 days. The hope is that these effective methods of study will become habits and a way of life in every academic endeavor.
Students learn concepts first, followed by practical applications they can apply immediately in school and in life.
How does Victus help students in life?
Students learn how to:
- Write a mission statement and identify priorities
- Identify where they are now and where they want to be
- Set goals and write action plans to accomplish their goals
- Make decisions
- Manage time
- Reduce text anxiety
- Improve their note taking skills
- Use a calendar
- Organize their study tools
- Cultivate an ideal study environment
- Practically apply their new skills
- And more!
Not only does our course help students in school with vital study skills, but it also teaches students to make the connection between what they do today and the results they will see in their future. They learn how to make decisions based on what is most important, and manage their time according to their priorities.
Who developed Victus and where has it been taught?
- Developed by educators and Victus president Susan Ison, a veteran teacher and strategic planning expert
- Used by schools, homeschoolers, co-ops, and tutors nationwide
The Victus Study Skills System is taught nationwide by professional educators who see firsthand the skills students need. The course was taught as a non-system approach until about 20 years ago when God showed Susan that she could integrate strategic planning principles into the study skills course that her company, Memphis Tutorial Association, was teaching. The result was a more effective systems approach course for students. The course was taught in schools and tutoring sessions nationwide for many years, but Susan knew God wanted her to make it available to an even wider audience. Now the materials are available online through our website and other resellers.
What do you mean by the concept that “results come from the process?”
- The steps you take to achieve a result will directly affect the quality of the result. A high-quality process is more likely to achieve a high-quality result!
- Victus is a system that ensures all components work together for success
Consider the steps it takes to accomplish any task. Leaving out even the simplest step can cause a poor result. For example, if you are teaching someone how to make a cup of coffee and you leave out one step, it will affect the results. W. Edwards Deming was a brilliant statistician and quality expert who introduced this concept to businesses that had difficulty accepting the truth that one-third of each dollar they spent was wasted because of unclear or wrong processes. Students need to learn that the process they use in study will affect their results. Broken processes typically produce broken products, but following a high-quality process produces higher quality outcomes.
What is a systems approach?
- Made up of several components
- All the components work together for a common purpose
- The results of the process of study will be affected by the how effectively the student applies each component process
A system has an aim or a purpose. A car is an example of a system which has several components, and its aim is to take us from point A to point B. Having good brakes or enough oil is not enough. Each component must work well together to accomplish the aim of the system. Each component has its own process, and the results are directly affected by the process. If any one process is amiss, poor results can be expected.
Effective study is no different. It is a system with component parts, such as goal setting, writing action plans, note taking, organization, test preparation, and time management. The process of note taking will yield good or bad results depending on the process used. In this example, the results of the entire process of study will be affected by how effectively the student learns to take good notes. In another example, the process of managing time will affect every other component part. All system components work together and complement each other.
Why is this approach helpful?
- Works for all ages
- Provides a clear process that can be used for life
This approach is helpful because it makes sense to students of all ages. It is not a series of unrelated tasks, but rather a process of study that will help the student be a more effective lifelong learner. When students see that their learning is critical to their success, they are more engaged in school and retain more of what they are taught. Victus helps students take hold of implementing a system of study that roots them in their mission and values.
Why was this course developed?
Our founder Susan Ison saw a need for a study skills course when she realized that many students have never been taught how to study effectively. In 1977, she founded Memphis Tutorial Association, an organization of professional educators that teaches students primarily in a one-on-one setting. Her teachers were quick to see that students often lacked effective study skills and that content itself was rarely the problem. The Victus Study Skills System was developed to meet this need.
Who wrote the course?
This course was written by our study skills teachers and our founder Susan Ison.
Who teaches the course?
- Teachers and parents
- Self-taught students
Anyone who uses the Teacher Edition can teach the lesson plans very effectively. If you do not want to teach it yourself, you can use the Level 3 DIY and DVD and our teachers will teach it for you.
To whom is it taught?
The Victus Study Skills System can be individualized and taught to any age student.
How many have taken the course?
Thousands of students throughout the United States and other countries have taken the course.
What are people saying about it?
Over the years we have received numerous positive reviews from parents and students across the United States and around the world. See the videos on our homepage.