Level 3: Jr High/High School (age 13-17)

To keep prices affordable, interior pages are printed in black and white, unless color is requested at an additional charge. To preview our products, download our E-Packet PDF containing sample pages from each level. To help you decide which products you will need, download the Victus Scope and Sequence.

Complete Starter Package – $60.00

The Essential Study Skills System for Middle & High School Students!

Equip students with the tools they need to manage time, stay organized, take notes effectively, and prepare for exams.

  • Level 3 Teacher Edition – A structured guide to teaching advanced study skills.
  • Level 3 Student Workbook – Step-by-step lessons on time management, note-taking, test prep, and more.

Perfect for: Homeschoolers, teachers, and independent learners preparing for high school and beyond.

Invest in this complete package today and empower students to excel in their studies!


Core Teacher Edition – $40.00

The Core Teacher Edition of the Victus Study Skills System offers clear, concise lessons for each of the three foundational cornerstones students will learn. Although the basics of the course can be taught in five one-hour sessions, reinforcement and integration into actual class material will increase the amount of time spent.

Each of the ten lessons includes guidance on the purpose of the lesson, the preparation for the introduction of the material, and the procedure used in teaching the lesson.


Student Workbook – $20.00

The Student Workbook is designed to accompany the Core Teacher Edition. It is easy to use and provides opportunities for the student to practice the new skills in the workbook. This workbook has been used by thousands of students throughout the United States.


DIY Student Workbook CoverThe Student DIY Workbook – $25.00

The Student DIY Workbook is a “do it yourself” workbook for an independent learner in Level 2 or 3. For situations in which there is no teacher to teach the lessons, students can work though this workbook at their own pace. Perfect for summer reinforcement, or study halls, or home schoolers needing worthwhile independent work, this workbook is designed for student use and learning.


Student Planner – $20.00

The Student Planner is our unique product that provides a method of daily reinforcement in setting priorities and arranging time around them. Customization for schools and large groups is available. The Planner is designed to be used by students in Levels 2, 3 and 4.


Power Point (included with Core Teacher Edition)

The Level 3 Power Point is used with groups because it provides an added visual reinforcement of the student workbook blanks filled in. It utilizes attractive slides to capture the attention and to engage the students.

Study Skills Classroom Training Video DVDClassroom Video – $30.00

The video shows the process in action and is a great reinforcement. Filmed in the classroom by professionals, this video shows our teachers actually teaching the 10 lessons of Level 3 to students and teachers. Although some details (page numbers , etc) differ from those in the workbooks, the 10 lessons are the same in the video and workbooks. The interactions students see in the video are a wonderful supplement.


Student DIY Workbook – Classroom Video Combo $40.00

The DIY-Video combination includes a do it yourself workbook for 4th—12th graders and a video showing professional educators teaching the ten lessons in a classroom setting. No teacher is needed!


Creating and Implementing a Personal Strategic Plan – $5.00

This booklet is used by adults who want help in applying this unique results-oriented system in their own lives. It has been taught to countless adults who have found themselves held captive by the tyranny of the urgent, seldom finding time for the priorities they so wish to live.


All bulk orders over $500 and shipments requiring non-media mail rates may incur additional shipping and handling charges. These charges will be invoiced separately. Please refer to the domestic shipping and handling costs for more details.